6 ways to have more fun this Christmas Season
Christmas is not a holiday it’s a feeling. It’s a feeling that remind us of snow, hot chocolate, warm sweaters, Christmas tree, gifts and people we love. Christmas it’s a season of love, warmth, fun and joy. So here are for you 6 ways to make the upcoming Christmas season even more fun and enjoyable.
1. Make hot cocoa and spend time with your loved ones
There is a study that says chocolate produce the mood-elevating substance of serotonin – also known as the happiness hormone. So on a cold days you can make a hot cocoa and spend some time with the people you love. Tell jokes, laugh on old memories, take photos and just celebrate life.
2. Give yourself a gift
Christmas is a season of gifts. And we all know that it’s not about the gifts, it’s about the feeling we get giving or receiving a gift. There is a saying that goes like this “Giving is what separates man from beast”. Giving gifts it’s a way to celebrate life, love and friendship. Even though is good to buy gifts for others, from time to time we should buy sometimes for us too. It will make us feel good. So choose for yourself something nice this Christmas season. A mug with Santa, beautiful sweater or cozy and sexy lingerie from our Eros shop. You deserve it.
3.Bake something
Christmas also can be translated as – delicious food. There is something satisfying in eating delicious food on a cold day. With all the food blogs and youtube channels nowadays it’s very easy to find your ideal recipe for cherry cakes, creamy soups or cranberry sausages. You can do it with people you love and in that way it will be more fun and it can bring you more closer.
4. Dinner date with your love
Good food, candles, slow music, bottle of wine and bae. The best combo for a calm and romantic winter date with the person you love in the coziness of your home. It’s the perfect way to make good memories with your bae.
5. Watch a Christmas movie.
What is better than cuddles up on the couch with blankets and cocoa watching Christmas movies. That’s what is Christmas all about. Enjoy.
6. Random acts of kindness
Christmas is also a season of love and random acts of kindness. Tell someone that means to you that you love them, be kind to the people you don’t know, collect clothes you don’t wear anymore, toys, food and donate them to families in need. Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.